Free Durable Medical Equipment
Did you know that the state of Maryland maintains warehouses of new or gently-used medical equipment that is FREE for the asking? Thats right, its FREE!
You can request simple equipment such as Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Rollator, Shower Chairs, Tub Transfer Benches, Bedside Commodes, Toilet Safety Rail, or Bedrails all the way up to complex equipment including Manual wheelchairs, Transport wheelchairs, Power wheelchairs, Power scooters, Home hospital beds, and even Mechanical lifts. Whatever your needs, there is an excellent chance what you need is sitting in a state run storage area waiting for you to request it.
The process is straightforward and just a few steps
1. Fill out and submit a request form from this website
2. A representative will contact you to schedule pickup
3. Pickup your items
Once the equipment is in your home its yours for as long as you need it. You do not have to return it or account for its whereabouts, its yours.
We are happy to help you submit your request as part of any Little Deed we do for you. We can also pick up your items and bring them to you. Give us a call today at 410-450-4466 or text us to get started.